Friday, April 25, 2008

Moving Day...

I know it's late...  But I wanted to catch you all before you went to bed...  At least those of you who live in the West...

Today we finally moved into our new townhome in Irvine...

No... We didn't do the unthinkable; we're still holding off on any purchases until around 2010!!!  But I digress, back to the townhome we're leasing...

It's larger, nicer, cheaper, and has more conveniences than our previous townhome in Newport Beach...  But we're no longer a mile from the ocean :-(

I know what you're thinking... Why would you leave a place so close to the pacific blue... Well, we decided the more money we have saved once the market bottoms, the more house we'll be able to afford (sniff sniff sigh...)

Normally, I would've posted something in during the wee hours this morning; however, because as I had no internet connection this wasn't possible.

Worry not though!!!!  Starting Monday, things will be business as usual.

Stay tuned updates soon!!!

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