Thursday, April 16, 2009

A profound observation...

While pondering how the current economic crisis has affected family, friends and co-workers, I've had an epiphany. The people that have faired the worst, have done so because of a genuine lack of humility. I recall certain individuals bragging about the expensive homes, cars, and jewelry that they were planning to buy, or vacations they were planning to take; presumably with their home equity. For many, it just never occurred to them that home prices would stop going up; or heaven forbid, go down. (Even some of the analysts refused to see it!)

In the aftermath, many of these "individuals" have had their homes foreclosed and/or filed for bankruptcy, or are currently struggling to keep from doing so. The question that remains is:

Have we, as a society, learned anything from this?

I would so like to answer that question with yes; however, I'd be lying... The truth is, this has all happened before, and it will happened again.

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