Friday, March 7, 2008

We're watching you...

The CEO's of Countrywide, Merrill, and CITI Group are currently being investigated by the House Oversight Committee (Live on CNBC).  The committee is examining the high compensation packages of these CEO despite the loss that shareholders have suffered as a result of the falling stock prices due in part to sub-prime mortgage fallout.

It leaves a particularly sour taste in the mouths' of shareholders, when the CEO (of the company they have invested in) is dumping his shares as the stock price continues to plummet.

Friends, these are interesting times...

UPDATE #1: The issue at the heart of the investigation is why the CEO's sold millions (in some cases hundreds of millions) of dollars in stocks during a time when their companies were losing billions.

UPDATE #2: The source for the information presented below is the Committee on Oversight & Government Reform Memo

CEO Angelo Mozillo's 2007 Total Compensation: 

Countrywide's 2007 Losseses:
$1.6B in Write-Downs
Stock down by 90% 

CITI Group
 CEO Charles Prince's 2007 Total Compensation:
$10.4M Bonus
$28M Stock

CITI Group's 2007 Losses:
$18B in Write-Downs
Stock down by 48%

Former CEO Stan O'Neal's 2007 Retirement Package:

Merrill's 2007 Losses:
$18B in Write-Downs
Stock down by 45%

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